Peacock has recently unveiled the trailer for its upcoming miniseries adaptation of Liane Moriarty’s gripping novel, “Apples Never Fall,” originally published in 2021 by Henry Holt. The narrative centers around the lives of the four adult children of Joy and Stan Delaney, who have recently retired from running a tennis academy. However, when Joy mysteriously disappears, suspicions arise among her children, with two of them harboring doubts about their father’s involvement. Praised for its blend of humor, poignancy, astuteness, and a dash of creepiness, the book received a starred review from a critic at Kirkus, who deemed it “slyly irresistible.”
Helmed by directors Chris Sweeney and Dawn Shadforth, the miniseries boasts an impressive cast, with Annette Bening taking on the role of Joy and Sam Neill portraying Stan. Their children are brought to life by Conor Merrigan-Turner, Alison Brie, Essie Randles, and Jake Lacy. Notably, both Bening and Moriarty serve as executive producers of the series.
The trailer offers a tantalizing glimpse into the Delaney family’s tumultuous dynamics, as Joy’s haunting voiceover sets the stage: “You can spend a lifetime with someone as a wife or as a mother, but you can never really know who they are.” Against the backdrop of Baby Rose’s haunting melody, “Stop the Bleeding,” viewers witness intense confrontations between the siblings and unsettling interrogations, such as a reporter accusing Stan of his wife’s potential murder.
As the tension escalates, Joy’s ominous warning reverberates: “Secrets will poison any family, and what you don’t know can hurt you.” With each scene teasing at the unraveling of long-buried secrets, the trailer promises an emotionally charged and riveting exploration of family bonds and betrayals.
Set to premiere on March 14, all seven episodes of the miniseries will be available for streaming exclusively on Peacock. Fans and newcomers alike can anticipate a gripping adaptation that stays true to Moriarty’s spellbinding narrative.
Contributed by Michael Schaub.